“Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people.” — Proverbs 14, 34
Letter to the editor: Be overly cautious, especially now, of Covid-19
I’m so glad to get Karen Parker’s update on her good recovery from the Covid-19 virus and am grateful for … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Beware of political disinformation
Letter to the editor: Kapanke a disciple of big-money agenda
A street corner gathering in La Farge in 2011: Dan Kapanke was asked if he is a member of ALEC … Read the rest
Your right to know: State should name schools with Covid-19 cases
By JONATHAN ANDERSON Here are some questions for parents to ponder: Do you care if your kids get COVID-19? Do you want to be able to stay informed about coronavirus cases in your community? Jonathan Anderson Should officials responsible for public health and education...
Letter to the editor: Vernon County Clerk Ron Hoff to retire in January 2020, fully supports Jody Audetat for county clerk
I have been humbled to serve Vernon County as the county clerk over the last 18 years and have enjoyed … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Trump’s words consistent with his actions
When I first heard about President Trump referring to members of the military as “losers” and “suckers,” I thought it … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: General advises Americans to vote for ‘real patriot’
Retired Army General Paul Eaton posted a video on, Sept. 3 detailing Trump’s disparaging remarks denigrating U.S. service members buried … Read the rest
Your right to know: Expand access to records online
The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that many of our jobs can be done digitally and remotely.