Kendall movie night is Oct. 18

Contributed by Lynette Vlasak The Kendall Public Library’s movie night will be Friday, Oct. 18, at 6:30 p.m., at St. John’s Church Fellowship Hall.   We will show the western movie “The Long Ride Home,” starring Randy Travis. Jake Fowler (Randy Travis) is...

‘Seeing Stars’

By Susan Cushing | Kickapoo Dark Sky Initiative This week our Kickapoo dark skies offer two special sights. The first is a view of Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. Get the binoculars out, wake up early on Oct. 11, and look east before sunrise. One of Jupiter’s moons,...

OHS class of ‘60 reunites

Contributed — The Ontario High School class of 1960 had its  annual reunion in Ontario this year. It was an enjoyable time with old friends, and we will plan to do it again next year! Back row (left to right): Minnie Nofsinger Woods, David Kennedy, Rita Rynes Downing,...

Pictures from the past: Early 20th century Ontario

These undated, early 20th century images depict Ontario. Can you offer more information on the photos and what they portray? Contact the County Line at (608) 337-4232 or (Photos courtesy of Aldis Strazdins)

Wilton Halloween party is Friday

Contributed by the Wilton Public Library The Wilton Public Library will host the following events: • 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 27: Current-events discussion group • 6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 27: Halloween party – Storyteller Tracy Chipman will be in the library at 7 p.m....

Ontario to host autumn story times

By RACHEL CONNER | Ontario Public Library director Autumn story time at the Ontario Public Library is a cozy time to cuddle up with your little book lovers. Join us at 11 a.m. on the following Wednesdays — Nov. 1, Nov. 8, and Nov. 15 — for stories, crafts, and fun!...

Gjefle: What must I do to be saved? (Acts 16:30)

By MICHAEL T. GJEFLE  Faith Independent Baptist Church, Ontario That was a question posed to Paul and Silas over 2,000 years ago. Paul and Silas were missionaries in the city of Philippi and had helped a young woman be delivered from demonic control. For their good...

Royall class of ‘63 reunites

The Royall High School class of 1963 recently celebratted its 60th reunion. Twenty-six classmates attended, as did two teachers, John Weger and John Scheiffer. Not included in the photo is John Weger and Phyllis and Rodney Pasch. Bottom step (left to right): Kathy...

Norwalk Public Library to host variety of events

Contributed by the Norwalk Public Library The following are November happenings at the Norwalk Public Library: • Lego Giveaway. Kids aged 4 – 18 can enter to win a 4lb box of Legos. Enter by checking out books at the Norwalk Library between October 23rd and November...

South Side News for Oct. 26

By MYRNA FAUSKA As I write this, there are nine days left in October. As you read this, there be less than a week, and before you know it, Halloween will be upon us and kids from 1 to 101 will gorge themselves on their trick-or-treat gleanings. I remember one lady in...

Senior menus for Oct. 30 to Nov. 3

Kendall, Norwalk and Wilton meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall), 343-3158 (Norwalk) or 487-6130 (Wilton) by noon two days before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal.  Monday, Oct. 30: Cabbage rolls,...

South Side News for Oct. 19

By MYRNA FAUSKA Here we are in the middle of October, and the neighbors have been doing a good job of enjoying themselves as they get together with friends and loved ones hither and yon. Here at Fauska’s Funny Farm, the week was relatively quiet, with only a few items...

Ontario Public Library to offer autumn story times

By RACHEL CONNER | Ontario Public Library director For stories, crafts and fun, join us for autumn story time at the Ontario Public Library at 11 a.m. on the following Wednesdays: Nov. 1, Nov. 8, and Nov. 15. Make sure to return your Halloween coloring contest entries...
