Derrick is a warrior; he is a retired Navy Seal; he defended our country from the evils of the world; … Read the rest
Editorial cartoon
Letter to the editor: Politics with a purpose
Being a member of the Republican Party (for me) has not always meant voting straight Republican.
Letter to the editor: Deb Carney deserves your vote for Monroe County Treasurer
Deb Carney has spent 34 years serving the people of Monroe County and she has served us well.
Letter to the editor: Jessi Ebben best candidate for U.S. Congress
I am Kristen Gust, a full-time inside sales manager, an owner/operator of my own small business, a combat veteran, and … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Vote for Carney for Monroe County Treasurer
I am writing this letter to show my endorsement for Debra Carney, who is running for Monroe County Treasurer.
Letter to the editor: Vote Jessi Ebben Aug. 11
In the Aug. 11 primary elections, the candidates will be selected to be the party nominees for Representative from Wisconsin’s … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Vote for Dawn Nemec in Vernon County primary
I want to remind all eligible voters that the Wisconsin primary election is being held Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020.
Letter to the editor: Black Lives Matter movement is problematic
I offer this response to Melissa Murray in an effort to highlight why the Black Lives Matter movement is problematic.… Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Response to editorial by Doug Rogalla
I offer this response to Doug Rogalla, Monroe County Republican Party Chair, in an effort to highlight the Black Lives … Read the rest