A vehicle went off Highway 131 and into the Kickapoo River on Tuesday, and Vernon County police say alcohol was … Read the rest
Book review: ‘The Nickel Boys’ by Colson Whitehead
Elwood Curtis, under the watchful eye of his grandmother, was a good young man, a … Read the rest
N-O-W postpones decision on staff cuts
Though it had planned to vote in March on whether to cut three elementary-school teaching positions, the Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton Board of … Read the rest
Brookwood to present ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ this weekend
Brookwood’s performances of “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” a stage adaptation of C.S. … Read the rest
Book review: ‘A Man Lay Dead’ by Ngaio Marsh
The game was named “Murders.” None of the participants knew who was “it.” The “it” … Read the rest
How does the Monroe County Health Department respond to disease outbreaks?
Contributed by the Monroe County Health Department
With COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreading worldwide, many people are concerned about their health … Read the rest
Monroe County weight restrictions start Wednesday
The Monroe County Highway Department will implement seasonal weight restrictions on all county trunk highways beginning Wednesday, March 4.
Restrictions … Read the rest
Headricks plead to two counts
Amy and Travis Headrick of Melvina recently pleaded guilty to two counts of neglecting a child and one count of … Read the rest
Monroe County WIC to issue benefits
The Monroe County Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) will issue benefits and offer nutrition education … Read the rest
Book review: ‘Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11’ by Mitchell Zuckoff
My husband is a retired firefighter who knew some of the New York City firefighters killed in … Read the rest