I’d like to express my thanks to the many of you who have contacted me regarding my health and my … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Why are trees, brush being removed from along creeks?
I would like to voice my concerns as to what’s going on with the pulling out of trees and brush … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Enjoy the easy lifestyle in Ontario
Sunday was a nice day. My oldest daughter took me to a very distinctive bar in Ontario.
Editorial cartoon
Ontario chief initiates food-drive challenge with Norwalk, Wilton police departments
When I returned to the Village of Ontario as the Peace Officer, I was pleasantly informed of the food pantry … Read the rest
Editorial cartoon
Your right to know: Body cam bill balances privacy, openness
When so much about politics is partisan, one might expect a topic like police body cameras to be contentious, particularly … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Support appreciated for Wilton food pantry
St. Paul’s Food Pantry continues to serve many needy families in the Wilton area. Over the last two years, we … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: A nation of sheep
“A Nation of Sheep,” authored by William Lederer, was published in 1961. Its purpose was to shed light on and … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Republican confusion
“It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to” are words from a pop song of the 1960s. It … Read the rest