Elk spotted on South Ridge

Grayson Zuhlke reports that an elk made an appearance at his property Sunday at his property on County Highway P … Read the rest

Monroe County offering sampling for private wells

The signup deadline for private well water sampling to landowners of Monroe County is quickly approaching. 

All Monroe County residents … Read the rest

Royall students named to honor roll

The following Royall High School students were named to the first-semester honor roll: Freshmen: Joshua Anderson, Joshua Cilley, Savannah Escutia, Bria Gruen, Liza Krueger, Emma Schultz and Laya Wainwright Sophomores: CJ Anderson, Benjamin Crneckiy, Samson Degner,...

Book review: ‘Nothing More Dangerous’ by Allen Askens

By LARRY BALLWAHN | Wilton Boady Sandron was working for one objective. As soon as he had earned enough money, he was going to get away from Jessop. Jessop Missouri had one main employer, Ryke Manufacturing, a maker of molded plastics, but Boady, age 15, didn’t work...

Celebration of life and ‘last auction’ for Bob Brandau

Family members hosted a celebration of life and a "last auction" at the Kendall Community Hall on Dec. 14 for Robert Brandau, proprietor of the Brandau-Hill Auction Company and the R. Brandau Livestock Barn in Kendall. They auctioned off wooden signs with some of...
