Your Right to Know: Using outside record vendors brings risks

By Tom Kamenick Last March, the Wisconsin Examiner asked the Black River Falls Police Department to search for emails regarding the death of a missing Indigenous man. The department said it would process the request but the news outlet would have to pay...

Half of Wisconsin school districts go to referendum amid debate over state aid for public education

by Hallie Claflin / Wisconsin Watch, Wisconsin Watch September 16, 2024 Come Nov. 5, nearly half of all Wisconsin school districts will have gone to referendum in 2024, asking for almost $6 billion in total from Wisconsin residents in districts scattered across the...

Brookwood homecoming set for next week

Brookwood will celebrate its homecoming next, culminating with a parade at 2:30 p.m. Friday in Norwalk. Pictured here is a map of the parade route, supplied by the Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton School District. At 7 p.m. that day, the Falcon football team will take on New...

Vernon County reports shots fired in rural Ontario

UPDATE FROM THE VERNON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE "** UPDATE (1:15 PM): The situation is under control. A male, age 42, and a female, age 40, are in custody. No one was hurt. Everyone is safe. Officers are currently executing a search warrant and the investigation...
