The Vernon Women’s Alliance will host a candidates’ forum at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, at the Viroqua Elementary School cafetorium, 115 Education Ave.

All are invited to attend and submit questions to those running for state Senate and state Assembly. Attendees will hear from Jennifer Shilling, Dan Kapanke, and Chip DeNure, all candidates in the 32nd state Senate district, as well as Alicia Leinberger, candidate for the 96th state Assembly district. Rep. Lee Nerison’s attendance is unconfirmed. Each candidate will give an opening and closing statement in addition to responding to audience-submitted questions.

Refreshments will be provided by the Vernon Women’s Alliance. The event is free and open to the public.

Questions may be submitted to in advance.

To learn more about VWA, contact VWA President Laura Meeks at (608) 606-2278.