Although the injured owl found in Wilton last month continues to recover, its long-term lot in life remains uncertain.
New feathers have grown where Coulee Region Humane Society staff had plucked the old ones, but its wing continues to droop, suggesting that perhaps it has lost its ability to fly.
Kathy KasaKaitas, rescue supervisor at the humane society, said she would soon test its flight ability. Otherwise, she hopes to designate it as an educational ambassador or place it in a sanctuary.
“I hate to see any of these animals have to be put down if there is another option,” she said.
KasaKaitas added, “Great-horned owls are plentiful, so many people who do education programs have them already. Since they live a long life in captivity, it’s hard to place them.”
Found in front of Main Street Market in Wilton, the owl had been taken to humane society, where a veterinarian determined the owl had suffered a gunshot wound. (Coulee Region Humane Society photos)