The New Lisbon High School football donated two pallets of food to the Falcon Food Pantry at Brookwood’s homecoming game on Friday night. (Contributed photo)
The Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton School District has seen “several awesome displays of compassion and support in the past few weeks following widespread flood damage,” said Brookwood teacher and football coach Jeremy Mack earlier this week.
He noted the following donations:
• At the Brookwood vs. New Lisbon homecoming football game on Friday, the latter’s football team brought two pallets of food for the Falcon Food Pantry.
Brookwood athletic director Ken Clinton issued the following statement earlier this week: “As in previous years, the homecoming football game at Brookwood featured a can drive for the Falcon Food Pantry, where fans could get free admission by bringing canned or boxed food donations. We received 331 items from fans.
“This year, however, we received a special gift from the New Lisbon football squad.
“Along with their equipment, the players and coaches brought multiple pallets of food for our pantry. In fact, they donated 82 cases of food! WOW! Our community wishes to thank New Lisbon for their generosity and kindness!”
• On Sept. 15, the Highland School District donated 100 percent of its 50/50 proceeds, which it had collected at the football game against Brookwood, for flood-relief efforts.
• On a related note, the N-O-W teachers’ union donated $1,000 to the flood-relief accounts at two local banks.