After sending messages described as lewd and lascivious, James R. Netwall, 39, of La Crosse recently was referred to the Monroe County District Attorney’s Office for unlawful use of a computerized communication system, according to Wilton Police Chief Jeremy Likely.
The victim reported to police that Netwall had sent her unwanted messages via text and social media. Netwall’s messages “were obscene in nature and suggested lewd and lascivious acts,” according to Likely.
The victim had never met Netwall and asked Netwall on several occasions for the messaging to stop, Likely said.
Netwall continued to message the victim after she had “requested the lewd and lascivious messaging to stop,” Likely noted. During an interview with Wilton police, Netwall admitted to becoming “infatuated” with the victim when he stumbled upon a photo of her on Facebook. Netwall blamed alcohol consumption for his behavior.
Likely issued the following statement: “If you become a victim to cyberstalking, disable all of your social media accounts. Check if your phone has been compromised, and turn off apps that use location services. You may also need to consider getting a new phone and phone number. Keep the old one to capture voicemails and threatening texts. Report any activity of cyberstalking to local law enforcement.”