I am sorry; I just don’t get it. 

Do black lives really matter to #BlackLivesMatter? 102 people were shot and 14 killed in Chicago alone over Father’s Day weekend, including five minors. I have not heard a peep on the evening news or from #BlackLivesMatter. There is no talk about the 13-year-old girl who died after being struck by a stray bullet or the two teenage boys who were shot sitting on the porch outside the building where they live.

There is no discussion of the most violent day in Chicago in the last 60 years where 18 murders occurred in 24 hours. Most of these homicide victims in Chicago are young, black men, as were the suspected assailants.

This is happening in many major cities around the country. What is a common denominator behind problems facing many urban areas? They have been run by Democrats for decades. Cities like Memphis, New Orleans, Atlanta, Washington D.C. and Milwaukee have had Democrat mayors for more than 100 years.

In that time, liberal policies aimed at helping America’s poor actually destroyed black families, where now more than 72 percent of babies are born out of wedlock. Nearly half as many black babies are aborted as are born. Liberals are actually profiting politically off of black people’s misery.

The public education system run by liberals for decades is failing our children. A recent Forbes article reported on national tests last year, while only 42 of white eighth-graders were proficient or above in reading, and that number drops to 15 percent for black kids. This should outrage our liberal friends but they fight against school choice that allows parents to give their children a better education opportunity. Please do not say more money is the answer as America already spends more per pupil than any other major developed nation.

I ask why don’t #BlackLivesMatter rail against the ineptitude of liberal mayors, policies and educators. I just don’t get it.