Hispanic Heritage Month will be celebrated Tuesday, Oct. 3, in the Tomah High School cafeteria.
A panel discussion will be from 6–7 p.m., and a reception with a question-and-answer session will be from 7–7:30 p.m.
The panel-discussion theme will be “Shaping the Bright Future of Monroe County and America.” The following will be panel members: Moderator Amy Ritter, Tomah High School Spanish teacher; Alfonso Sanchez, director of Lugar de Reunion, a Hispanic outreach center in Sparta; Maria Reiland of the Wisconsin Job Center in Tomah; Steve Laxton, an immigration-law specialist with Matousek, Laxton and Davis Law Offices in Sparta; Doug and Amanda Wallerman, Monroe County dairy farmers (Ridgeville Holstein LLC); Officer Guillermo Ortiz of Fort McCoy, U.S. Army Reserves; and Betsy Breckenridge, English-language-learner teacher at Western Technical College.
The discussion will explore the contributions of the Hispanic population in Monroe County. Questions will focus on the themes of population, work force, and the outlook for Monroe County.
National Hispanic Heritage Month runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.