Gloria (Janolis) Brieske passed away peacefully at age 100.5 years on Feb. 4, 2024. She was born to Felix and Amelia Janolis on June 26, 1923, the fifth of six children. She grew up in the large, white, square house on Highway 131, just at the entrance to Kinney Valley, from infancy until the day of her marriage.

In 1942, she married Erwin Brieske, who had grown up on a dairy farm just north of Ontario (where Dan Giese’s farm is now). They and Erwin’s parents farmed in that location until 1960, when the opportunity of a better job enticed them to move to the opposite side of the state.
Erwin and Gloria had 10 children, namely Donna, AnnMarie, Bob, Jim, Delores, Pat, Cindy, Mike, Roger, and Connie. As with any farm family, we all learned a strong work ethic, beginning as toddlers and reinforced throughout the years.
Gloria was talented in her ability to produce memorable meals, even during tight-budget years. Most of her children, boys and girls alike, inherited this ability — but, alas, not all of us.
Another of Gloria’s great skills was sewing, as well as upholstery. Even up until her last couple of years, she was still sewing tea-towel sets as gifts for friends and family.
Gloria was able to continue living in the same house which we had moved to in 1960, thanks to the selfless devotion of her daughter Delores, who has lived with her for the past 29 years.
Gloria was preceded in death by her parents, Felix and Amelia; by her husband, Erwin; by her son, Robert; her daughter, AnnMarie; and her daughter, Pat. She is survived by her children, Donna, Jim, Delores, Cindy, Mike, Roger, and Connie. She also is survived by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.