The Taste of the Driftless farm-to-dinner event, featuring dishes by local French chef Monique Hooker, will be Saturday, Aug. 20, at Hidden Springs Creamery in Westby.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin, will be the guest speaker at the dinner, which is a fundraiser for the Democratic parties of Crawford, Monroe, Richland and Vernon counties.

Cheese maker Brenda Jensen will host the event, which will begin at 2 p.m. with music, appetizers, games and an auction. Dinner, served sit-down family-style, will follow at 4 p.m. After hearing speakers and candidates, there will be dessert, tours and music.

The main course will include marinated grilled beef loin with chimichurri, grilled vegetables, fresh corn, herb-poached salmon and potato salad. Fresh tomatoes, mixed-green salad and cheese will follow, and dessert will feature blackberry sour cream cheesecake with strawberry/honey sauce. A cash bar will be available.

Tickets are $50 at the farm. Checks should be made out to the attendee’s choice of the four participating Democratic parties.

Guests should come to the Westby Middle School parking lot, 206 S. West Ave., where free parking and transportation to and from the creamery will be provided by Kleiber Bus Service beginning at 1:45 p.m. No cars will be allowed on the farm.

Those wanting to sponsor the event may contact