COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email New and refurbished computers in stock. 

EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144.

NEW CONSTRUCTION:  Room additions, remodeling, decks, windows and doors. Expert painting and finish work. We do it all. Doug Broxham Builders, 608-337-4334.

IN MEMORY OF IRVING ROSS: Here we are again. It’s been 14 years since you have left us. Miss you every day. Love, Donna

U.S. Mail Contractor seeking dependable individual with clean driving record working 16 hours per week delivering mail from the Ontario to the Viola Post Office. Must have a full size pickup with shell or a cargo van such as a Ford E-150. Earn $463 per week plus fuel allowance. For more details phone 740-942-1067.

The Wilton American Legion Hall is always available for wedding receptions, banquets, parties, anniversaries, business meetings, dances, etc. Call 608-764-0426 for appointment.

WILTON FOOD PANTRY: The Wilton Area Food Pantry is located in the Wilton Community Center at 400 East Street. The pantry is open every SECOND AND THIRD Tuesdays from 1-2 pm or by appointment by calling (608) 435-6922.