COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email New and refurbished computers in stock.
EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144.
NEW CONSTRUCTION: Room additions, remodeling, decks, windows and doors. Expert painting and finish work. We do it all. Doug Broxham Builders, 608-337-4334.
2 FAMILY THRIFT SALE IN HAYMOW, 24207 MIDWAY AVENUE, AUGUST 9 & 10, 8:00-5:00: Guns: New Mossberg 22 auto, J. C Higgins single shot 22, Stoger single shot 410, Remington 30-06 auto with scope, Mossberg 12 guage pump, New 1998 Ducks Unlimited 12 gauge auto Premier. Questions call 387-4164. Many Jim Beam bottles, most full. Antique and Vintage items. 1928 Herbert Hoover campaign pin, Grand Army of the Republic brass buttons, Norwegian cuff links/tie pin set, Pink, black and green depresssion glass, Pink and Ivory Fire King dishes, Breweriana items including Pabst, huge wooden barrel w/lid, Red Wing and Ramsbottom crocks and jugs, 1950’s cafe dishes, and much more. Women’s clothes, lots of books and puzzels, bedding, tools, large set of china, new camper mattress, furniture, glass wear, household, Christmas, medicine cabinet, textiles, and much more.
NO FISH FRY IN AUGUST: The Wilton Legion is not having our Fishfry-Shrimp dinner in August due to other local community events. We will be back in September!! Thank you for your support.
The Wilton American Legion Hall is always available for wedding receptions, banquets, parties, anniversaries, business meetings, dances, etc. Call 608-764-0426 for appointment.
WILTON FOOD PANTRY: The Wilton Area Food Pantry is located in the Wilton Community Center at 400 East Street. The pantry is open every SECOND AND THIRD Tuesdays from 1-2 pm or by appointment by calling (608) 435-6922.
MEETING NOTICE: Town of Sheldon will hold their monthly board meeting on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Agenda: Call to order, public comment, Clerk’s report, Financial report, UDC ordinance revision, Patrolman’s report, road projects update, review and approve payment of bills, set next meeting date, adjourn. Town of Sheldon Clerk
MEETING NOTICE: The Town of Ridgeville will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday, August 12, 2024 starting at 6:00 PM (NOTE TIME CHANGE) at the Town of Ridgeville Town Hall. Agenda will be posted as well as on our website Rita Williams, Town Clerk
MEETING NOTICE: The Regular monthly meeting of the Village of Ontario Board will be held on Monday, August 12, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ontario Fire Station. Join Zoom Meeting. Meeting ID: 826 8580 6780. Passcode: 929698. Agenda will be posted. Terri Taylor, Clerk/Treasurer
VILLAGE OF KENDALL MEETING NOTICE: The Regular Meeting of the Kendall Village Board will be held on Wednesday, August 12, at 5:30 p.m. in the Kendall Village Hall. A complete agenda will be posted. Jamie Solchenberger, Village Clerk/Treasurer
IN MEMORY OF AMANDA (MA) NIEMEIER: Sending you lots of hugs and love on your Heavenly Birthday August 2nd. Love, Your Earthly Family
Free Summercrisp and Bartlett pears. You pick. Now through fall. Hustler, WI. 6084272338