Letter to the editor: Wisconsin needs to expand Medicaid

By Ed Martinez | Viroqua In 2005, my wife and I retired to Viroqua, Wis. I worked 30 years in public healthcare in Los Angeles, Washington D.C., and overseas. I served as CEO of one of the largest public hospitals in the U.S. and was appointed to the Advisory...

Letter to the editor: Quit setting children against taxpayers

Nalani Bever | Royall class of 1969 Time to cut to the chase. Should you elect to vote NO on the upcoming Royall School District, you can boast that you had a part in the demise of the district. For those of you voting NO to finally wrestle the school out of Elroy,...

Letter to the editor: If Royall referendum fails, drastic measures will be taken

By Kirk Steele | Kendall In response to and in supplement of Lynette Vlasak’s comment on Oct. 10, 2024 To say I don’t want my taxes (mill rates) to rise is to obfuscate. To say that I value the future available to our children is paramount. The tax rate talk is...

Letter to the editor: Debate debacle

By Dani Sulik | Kendall Thursday’s presidential debate was painful to watch. It showcased two candidates who were well past their sell-by date. Unless the grim reaper pays a visit, it really is down to these two. Trump was a verbal volcano, spewing lies and dodging...

Your Right to Know: Shine more light on open investigations

By Kelly Lecker A horrific scene played out in February in an apartment complex in Middleton, a Madison suburb. A woman and her two young children had died. The tight-knit community mourned for this family as its members asked: How could this happen?  Kelly Lecker...
