Letter to the editor: A glance at the past and a peek at the future

By Bob Breidenstein | rural Ontario “Oft in the stilly night, Ere slumber’s chain has bound me, Fond memory brings the light of other days around me.” — Thomas Moore County Line, Oct. 3, I left the Ontario High School class of ’56 in limbo, 16 years old, on the cusp...

Letter to the editor: Nation is experiencing critical moment

By Rosalind Woodward | Madison Our country is experiencing a critical moment where a powerful leader, shaped by personal struggles and survival instincts, has gained significant political influence. This leader’s rise reflects deeper, unresolved issues within our...

Letter to the editor: Biased news media

By Jan Path | Wilton I would like to urge all Americans to watch/listen to a wide variety of news sources. Getting all your news from the mainstream media will not give you a well-rounded perspective. MSNBC was recently recorded admitting the news of the day...

Letter to the editor: But for the grace of God

By Danell Sulik | Kendall As everyone is aware, the South is suffering the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Over 200 souls have died in North Carolina, and some are still unaccounted for. Many who survived the storm live in remote areas and were without food, power,...

Letter to the editor: A glance at the past — 1954

By Bob Breidenstein | rural Ontario The second hand on the old alarm clock is relentlessly ticking – ticking – ticking …  It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, so wrote Charles Dickens in “A Tale of Two Cities.” He was writing about London and...

Letter to the editor: A gift for grift

By Danell Sulik | Kendall I am always astounded when I see polls that say people prefer Trump on the economy. It’s well documented he’s left a trail of failed businesses and fleeced investors in his wake. His fake “university” had to pay a $25 million fine for bilking...

Letter to the editor: Why doesn’t Rep. Oldenburg show up?

By Kent Galloway | Readstown How come state Rep. Loren Oldenburg doesn’t respond or show up? For several years I’ve sent letters, voicemails and emails to him. Sometimes I’ve offered criticism, mentioned our free repair clinic, or compliments, with not one response!...
