ll of Rights…first amendment “Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion nor the free exercise thereof.”
Letter to the editor: Love made poor decisions
By DAVE WESTER | Baraboo, Wis. Green Bay Packers backup quarterback Jordan Love made several poor decisions in preseason games. One resulted in a wild “Hail Mary” pass that was intercepted. He could take wisdom from a (slightly modified) old Kenny Rogers...
Letter to the editor: Would County Line’s retired publisher defend using the Bible in studies?
There has been much ink used the last few weeks in the “Back Talk” section of your paper regarding concerned … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: A positive impact in the village of Wilton
I would really like to share the good news that is occurring in our village of Wilton. There is so … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Thank you to N-O-W for keeping masks optional
By ROB FRISKE | rural Ontario Thank you to our school board for keeping the choice of whether to mask or not mask at N-O-W up to the parents. I realize this situation is highly volatile on both sides of the issue, but I applaud the chance to have personal...
Letter to the editor: Blood-drive letter a gross misrepresentation
I would like to respond to last week’s letter to the editor regarding the blood drive.
Letter to the editor: Covid can make you stupid
The freedom of not wearing a mask was intoxicating for me, for about a month. Now I feel the need … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Wilton blood drive location in doubt; village may not allow use of community center
WOW! We were hoping to go over 60 units this time but are absolutely pleased to announce we met that … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Thank you to Marklein, Kurtz for work on state budget
The state of Wisconsin just adopted a great budget for local governments and for rural Wisconsin.