Your Right to Know: Shine more light on open investigations

By Kelly Lecker A horrific scene played out in February in an apartment complex in Middleton, a Madison suburb. A woman and her two young children had died. The tight-knit community mourned for this family as its members asked: How could this happen?  Kelly Lecker...

Letter to the editor: We give praise and thanksgiving to the memory of Karen Parker

By Gary and Phyllis Winkler | Ontario It is with a heavy heart that we learn of the loss of our dedicated community publisher, Karen Parker. We first started reading her BackTalk years ago when we were only weekend campers here, enjoying them so much that we would...

Letter to the editor: State policies run against monitoring water quality

By J. Farrar | rural Ontario In 1974, the Environmental Protection Agency first began monitoring the quality and quantity of Wisconsin waters. Over the past 50 years, the contamination level has been going up while the groundwater level has been going down. Most...
