It’s hard to find any fresh context to frame the travesty that is going on in Ukraine that has not … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Equality vs. equity. Why does it matter?
There’s been a whole lot of talk lately about equity versus equality, and why does it even matter?
Letter to the editor: The challenge of censorship
The N-O-W School Board meetings are quite interesting these days. It seems there is a never-ending barrage of challenge to … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: WASB statement on equity is illuminating
As we approach the April 5 school board election for N-O-W, I have found myself increasingly interested in the role … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Vote for incumbents in N-O-W race
Usually the effort and expenditure that Anna Allison is putting into running for the Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton School Board would be commendable.… Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Please don’t cancel each other
“Cancel Culture,” mentioned in a recent letter to the editor, is one of those phrases that often is used more … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Dave Crowe was taken to be a strong angel
I have something to say from my heart. A man who has done so much for so many years for … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Vote for school board members who have students’ best interests in mind
When I had my hip replaced, I told my surgeon which power tools to use and how long to make … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: An open letter to Gov. Evers
I want you to know about our two-tier justice system in Monroe County that works for the elite and well … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Fragile
Every year the R’s come up with some divisive issue to rile people up. They are absolutely genius at creating … Read the rest