By JESSICA BRANDAU | Wilton The following letter was handed out at the Village of Wilton board meeting on Monday night. Upon reading it, I noticed that large portions of the “factual information” were skewed and/or missing altogether. I have filled in the gaps...
Letter to the editor: Wilton Municipal Pool needs an operating landline phone
Lost in all the back and forth regarding the swimming pool is one not-so-minor fact. A fact Nate Beier attempted … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Can Wilton bury the hatchet?
My name is Sharon Baldwin. Though I make my home in the country, I have not lived farther than five … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Wilton pool is benefit to the community
Like many people who grew up in Wilton, I have such fond memories of the Wilton Pool from my childhood.… Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Mighty Wilton has struck out
Mighty Wilton has struck out. I always thought Wilton was run well and had a lot to offer, was a … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Teen girls terrorize town
It was mid-summer, July 2022, when a few teenage girls, looking to earn a little money, applied to be lifeguards … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Welch served with honesty, integrity
I am the wife of Tim Welch, Village President of Wilton. Wilton is unique in that we have a swimming … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: A response to the Gjefles’ op-ed on abortion
The following is in response to Michael and Tammy Gjefle’s op-ed, which appeared in the County Line on July 7. … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Life is precious
We were saddened last week reading the letters in the County Line concerning the reversal of the Roe v. Wade … Read the rest
Your right to know: Judge was wrong to bar recordings of trial
Since 1979, the Wisconsin Supreme Court has allowed cameras and microphones in state courtrooms, subject to reasonable restrictions.