Senior menus for Sept. 16–19

Kendall and Norwalk meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall) or 343-3158 (Norwalk) by noon one day before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal. Note: The Wilton meal site closed permanently Sept. 6.  Monday,...

Ontario Public Library to show  ‘Arthur the King’

By Rachel Conner | Ontario Public Library director Please join the Ontario Public Library for a Monday Movie Matinee showing of “Arthur the King” on Sept. 16 at 2 p.m.  The movie is free of charge, and popcorn will be provided! Based on an incredible true...

Senior menus for Sept. 9–13

Kendall, Norwalk and Wilton meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall), 343-3158 (Norwalk) or 487-6130 (Wilton) by noon one day before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal. Note: The Wilton meal site will close...

Wilton churches to host vacation Bible school in late July

Contributed by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church St. Paul’s Lutheran and St. John’s Catholic, both of Wilton, will host a community vacation Bible School (VBS) from July 23–26 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at St. Paul’s, 301 Mill St. A meal will be served, followed by crafts...

Senior menus for July 10–14

Kendall, Norwalk and Wilton meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall), 343-3158 (Norwalk) or 487-6130 (Wilton) by noon two days before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal.  Monday, July 10: Egg salad on...

On Campus

• The following local students received degrees from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls in May: Carisa Cleven of Kendall, bachelor’s degree in agricultural education (magna cum laude); and Kyle Leis of Wilton, bachelor’s degree in engineering technology (cum...

Wilton Public Library to offer array of events

Contributed by the Wilton Public Library The Wilton Public Library will host the following events:  • Tuesday, July 4: Closed in observation of Independence Day.  • 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 5: Preschool story time (including kindergarten and first grade) •...

Gjefle: Foolishness or wisdom: You choose!

By PASTOR MICHAEL T. GJEFLE  Faith Independent Baptist Church, Ontario 1 Corinthians 1:18 — “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness: but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”  Corinth was a Greek city like Athens that...

Senior menus for July 3–7

Kendall, Norwalk and Wilton meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall), 343-3158 (Norwalk) or 487-6130 (Wilton) by noon two days before to reserve a meal.  Monday, July 3: Three-inch Italian subs on whole-grain bread, sliced tomatoes, pasta salad, potato chips, and...
