On Campus

• Mackenzie Leis of Wilton was named to the spring honors list at Concordia University in Mequon, Wis. 

Senior menus for Oct. 28 to Nov. 1

Kendall and Norwalk meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall) or 343-3158 (Norwalk) by noon one day before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal. Note: The Wilton meal site closed permanently Sept. 6. Monday, Oct....

Wilton Public Library to host activities, events

By Kelly Lupton | Wilton Public Library director The following activities are coming up at the Wilton Public Library:  • 10 a.m. Friday, Oct. 25: Current-events discussion group • 12:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25: Book club for adults with special needs...

Book review: ‘Christmas Bells’ by Jennifer Chiaverini

By LARRY BALLWAHN | Wilton “Christmas Bells,” by Madison, Wis., author, Jennifer Chiaverini, is the December choice of the Ontario Public Library Book Club, along with the Backman bonus novella, “The Deal of a Lifetime.” Chiaverini’s book is presented in two parts:...

Wilton hosting events for the season

By KELLY LUPTON | Wilton Public Library director Come join us at the library! The Wilton Public Library is bursting with activities in the next several weeks and looking forward to all the holiday festivities.  Amid all the hustle and bustle of the holidays,...

What’s happening at the Norwalk Public Library?

By JESICA HELGREN | Norwalk Public Library director Contact information: (608) 823-7473;  norwalkpl2@wrlsweb.org Please register for all events unless otherwise stated by calling or emailing the library so that we know how many supplies to prepare. Thank you!...

Senior menus Dec. 11–15

Kendall, Norwalk and Wilton meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall), 343-3158 (Norwalk) or 487-6130 (Wilton) by noon two days before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal.  Monday, Dec. 11: Loaded baked potato...

Kendall Public Library’s Love Lights list available

By CHARISSA FINN | Kendall Public Library director Thank you to everyone who participated in the Kendall Love Lights in November. Stop by the Kendall Public Library soon to see the names in the window or to pick up a list of the names turned in. Names also are listed...

South Side News for Nov. 30

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving 2023 will be but a memory and Christmas preparations will be in full swing for many of you. However, last week the neighbors had a blessed day of giving thanks with relatives and friends, so read on. For Sally Dana, the holiday...

Gjefle: The gift of God

Pastor MICHAEL. T. GJEFLE  Faith Independent Baptist Church, Ontario John 4:10 “Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living...
