I have been thinking about guns a lot lately. When I was growing up in Green County, Wis. (yes, that … Read the rest
Bilbo was an equal-opportunity hater
Sen. Theodore G. Bilbo, a Democrat from Mississippi, would most likely have given a thumbs up to the 18-year-old who … Read the rest
Money, outside consultants are changing local elections
Remember when local school board elections were quiet events mostly with candidates who occasionally had to be dragged kicking and … Read the rest
Remembering Phillip Egan, editor of the Elroy Leader Tribune
In September 1963, I was muddling my way through my junior year in high school while in Elroy, Phillip Egan … Read the rest
April Fools’ Day feels redundant
Once upon a time, when things were sort of normal, I would write an April Fools’ story each year. It … Read the rest
Schools play a role in citizen-making
I have been wracking my aging brain, trying to recall when was the last time we had a N-O-W School … Read the rest
We live in an era of unverified accusations
“Good grief, you get a lot of email,” grumbles my husband, who often must wade through it. I excuse it … Read the rest
Remembering 1974’s Battle of the Sexes
It was all the talk back in 1974. Of course, there were only radio, tv and newspapers back then. But … Read the rest
Putin is a cold-blooded killer
Ah, at last we know what inspired that lunatic, Vladimir Putin, to invade its peaceful neighbor and send the whole … Read the rest
Recalling Cheyenne Valley
Zachary Cooper was already an accomplished scholar when he made a major contribution to our local history. With a bachelor’s … Read the rest