Former NBA star Chris Herren will speak to students following the annual Royall Middle and High School Health and Wellness Day on Friday, April 25. “Herren had the accolades and opportunities every athlete dreams of during his career,” according to a...
Brookwood hosts prom
Royall hosts health fair
Royall Elementary and Intermediate School had its health fair April 11. Here, Emily Sustar coaches the students in yoga. For more photos, click here.
N-O-W Math & Science Night
Brookwood students named to honor roll
The following Brookwood Junior/Senior High School students were named to the third-quarter honor roll: SENIORS High Honors: Charles Arnold, Michaela Baldwin, Mikayla Becherer, Morgan Berendes, Davide Colombo, Stacey Ebert, Olivia Hansen, Jackelyn Hanson, Micaela...
Royall takes part in honors choir
Fifteen members of the Royall High School Concert Choir participated in the Little Rivers Music Conference Honors Choir at Wonewoc-Center Schools on April 8. These music students joined forces with choir members from Hillsboro, New Lisbon, Weston and Wonewoc-Center to...
N-O-W Elementary School concert is Thursday, May 1
The Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton Elementary School spring concert will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 1. Kindergarteners, first-graders and second-graders will sing at the event, plus the elementary band will perform.
‘A Night in Paris’
Brookwood NHS inducts new members
The Brookwood High School National Honor Society inducted new members March 27. The Cozy Nook Homemakers served cupcakes and juice. The following are the inductees. First row (left to right): Taylor Schmitz, Esmeralda Ruiz, Briana Nelson, Jessica Nicolas, Haley Hall...
Meeting on 2016 Brookwood European tour set for April 22
Planning is underway for the next Brookwood High School-sponsored biennial European tour. An informational meeting concerning the tour will be offered for parents and adults participants in the Brookwood High School library at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 22. Anyone who...