Contributed by St. John's Lutheran Church, Kendall It's time for Vacation Bible School! Each evening next week (Aug. 4-8), St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kendall will host VBS for those of all ages. Members, friends, neighbors, and the public all are...
Free community supper set for July 30 in Elroy
A free community supper will be served from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, at the Elroy United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 204 Royall Ave. This community supper is offered on the last Wednesday of each month and, according to event organizers, “gives...
Mount Pisgah Royal Rangers
Mount Pisgah Wesleyan Church in rural Ontario offers its Royal Ranger program. Run during the school year, the program is modeled on the Boy Scout curriculum and adds equal time for skill development and Bible devotions. The group had its year-ending awards ceremony...
St. John’s, St. Matthew’s to worship in the park this weekend
Members of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Kendall and St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church on South Ridge will gather Sunday, June 29, at Glenwood Park in Kendall for a joint worship service. Worship will begin at 10:30 a.m. Afterward, a potluck picnic lunch...
What do you think about Jonah?
By MICHAEL T. GJEFLE Faith Independent Baptist Church, Ontario Luke 11:30 — "For as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of Man be to this generation." Nineveh was a wicked city that repented at the preaching of Jonah. Read the Book of Jonah for...
Brush Creek Lutheran Church to celebrate 150th
By CHUCK HATFIELD Brush Creek Lutheran Church Brush Creek Lutheran Church will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of the congregation Sunday, June 29. In 1864, a group of six Norwegian immigrant settlers met to start a new congregation. Before this, like...
Bishop visits Norwalk Methodist churches
Hee-Soo Jung, bishop of the Wisconsin Conference, visited Immanuel United Methodist Church in Norwalk and Salem United Methodist Church in rural Norwalk on March 17.
St. Luke’s hosts Memorial Day program
Contributed by FRIEDA JACOBSON St. Luke's Auxiliary president Memorial Day at St. Luke's in rural Elroy (town of Glendale) was filled with tradition, honor and respect for our fallen heroes. The morning event began with the honor guard from the Kendall American Legion...
He’s no saint, but …
By PASTOR STEVE NEUMAN St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church, Kendall St. Matthew's Ev. Lutheran Church, South Ridge (rural Ontario) It happens often after a loved one has died. As people talk about their loved one, they may begin by saying, "(S)he was no saint, but ... "...
God’s GPS
By MICHAEL T. GJEFLE Faith Independent Baptist Church, Ontario Our modern technology is quite amazing! When traveling to unfamiliar areas, you can take advantage of the technology to help you to reach your destination. Yet for centuries God has availed Himself to...