Tractor pull enthusiasts gather in Wilton

The Wilton Sportsmen’s Club hosted its tractor pull Sunday in the village’s downtown.

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Letter to the Editor: Nerison is not a ‘moderate Republican’

By DON FOY | La Farge  A recent article in a local newspaper described Lee Nerison, a representative for the 96th Assembly District, as a "moderate Republican." Not at all. Nerison has voted with Speaker Robin Vos, who leads the charge for the Walker administration's...

Letter to the Editor: The elephant in the room

By ERIC ZINGLER | Kendall Michael Caruso, editor in chief of Smithsonian Magazine, stated in the April 2013 travel issue, "Tourism has become one of the most powerful, most influential and least-examined forces in the world. It produces $6.5 trillion of the global...

Letter to the Editor: Don’t leave it to chance

By ERIC ZINGLER | Kendall The Backtalk editorial dated Sept. 24 stated that "...not a shred of evidence suggests that the quarry will have a significant impact on the overall tourism dollars now rolling into Monroe County." I disagree. Over the past 50 years, there...

Letter to the Editor: Find a new site for the quarry

By JOAN RIPP | Wilton This letter is in regard to the nonmetallic mine that Mathy Construction wants to put off Logan Road in the town of Wilton. Mathy should find a new site due to the negative impact it would have on the rural community that surrounds the potential...

Letter to the Editor: Tobacco companies using new tactics

By NATALIE CARLISLE Monroe County Safe Communities Coalition One of the fastest-changing industries is one of the most dangerous and overlooked: tobacco. While cigarette smoking rates have dropped, tobacco companies have new tactics and products to hook youth and...

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Scott Perkins deserves your vote

By CHUCK AMUNDSON Retired Monroe County Sheriff Dear Monroe County voters, On Aug. 12, we will have the occasion to elect a new Monroe County Sheriff. There are two candidates running for the position, and I consider each of them to be a good friend. However, I am...

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Wes Revels on Aug. 12

By DENNIS A. PEDERSEN Retired Monroe County Sheriff As Monroe County voters prepare to vote for a new sheriff on Aug. 12, I respectfully offer the following thoughts on that race. I have known both candidates, Wes Revels and Scott Perkins, for many years. Both are...

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Wes Revels for sheriff Aug. 12

By PETE QUIRIN | Monroe County Sheriff Monroe County voters, I am concerned that many of you do not realize that the next Monroe County Sheriff will be voted into office Aug. 12 during the primary election. We have two good candidates running for sheriff. I know both...
