By DAVE WESTER | Elroy I know very little about Buddhism but have long been curious about it, so when the opportunity arose to party with a group of Buddhists right here in our own community, I jumped at the chance. Buddhists have a retreat center a mile or so west of...
Guest column: Food Enterprise Center gets new tenant
By KATHY NEIDERT Vernon Economic Development Association We have more exciting news about the Food Enterprise Center in Viroqua. A new food-processing business, Ridge Top Foods LLC, is leasing space in the new 3,185-square-foot commercial kitchen. Vernon Economic...
Letter to the editor: Torkelson Funeral Homes invest money locally
By TODD TORKELSON Torkelson Page-Smith Funeral Home, Norwalk, and Torkelson Funeral Homes, Ontario and Cashton I'm proud that for nearly a century, the Torkelson family has been part of your family and has been dedicated to taking care of you and your loved ones with...
Editorial cartoon
Letter to the Editor: Monroe County should restore community service program
By SANDRA McANANY | Murfreesboro, Tenn. In January, the former Monroe County Community Service Coordinator became the third Monroe County employee in recent years to be charged with sexually assaulting an inmate. Within days, the Monroe County Board put the open...
Editorial cartoon
Money & Politics: Presidential race: Ads will tell if state’s in play
By BILL LUEDERS Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism Barack Obama, in accepting his party’s nomination for a second term as president, commiserated with the viewers he reached on television screens throughout the nation: “I know that campaigns can seem small,...
Editorial cartoon
Money & Politics: Did wolf hunt bill go too far?
By BILL LUEDERS Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism For Chris Danou, the temptation is great, too great to resist. “I hate to say, ‘I told you so,’ ” deadpans the Democratic state representative from the village of Trempealeau. “But I told you so.” Danou,...