By PAT CONWAY | Ontario You've got your acts of terrorism and your acts of God; either way, the lights go out. Hurricane Sandy underscores the need for every hospital, school and military base in our nation to have its own electric generation plant. During blackouts,...
Letter to the Editor: Monroe County Board should return money to taxpayers
By LARRY McTAGGART Monroe County Board supervisor The Monroe County 2011 annual financial report has a statement by the auditor that of the $18,282,491 fund balance at year's end, $10.2 million constitutes an unassigned fund balance that is available for spending at...
Guest column: The prize of freedom
By JOHN A. SCOCOS Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs On Nov. 11, we honor our veterans for their unwavering service and sacrifice. This Year of the Veteran, we commemorate, acknowledge, and affirm the contributions made by our veterans to secure the liberties we...
Editorial cartoon
Editorial cartoon
Money & Politics: Cheeseheads frugal in presidential race
By BILL LUEDERS Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism Frank Burgess, the head of an investment management firm in Madison, says he’s “solidly behind (Barack) Obama, in every sense,” including his donations to the president’s re-election campaign. He would have...
Letter to the Editor: Monroe County Board should work together to end justice-center debacle
By ROBERT LARSON | Norwalk and Ridgeville This letter is a plea to all Monroe County Board members, building committee members, and involved citizens to get the job done on the justice center debacle that has dragged on far too long and wasted too much taxpayer money...
Letter to the Editor: Elect a president with business experience
By JEROME HUNDT | Cashton If there are a few voters still on the fence over the election, as I'm sure there are, I suggest that if you haven't read the October issue of Kiplinger's Personal Financial magazine, you would be wise to do so. Be sure to read the bonus...
Letter to the Editor: Feehan shouldn’t serve in public office
By FRED FLASHER | Wilton Just a note about Bill Feehan's visit to Wilton last Saturday. His road show came to town, and he started his talk by saying that Gov. Walker had announced a $300,000,000 budget surplus because of his policies. Feehan neglected to say that...
Letter to the Editor: Vote yes for Western referendum
By BARBARA RICE | Sparta Let's take a break from partisan politics and focus on a universal local concern: the need for trained, skilled workers in area industries such as manufacturing, transportation and health care. A lengthy question will be on the Nov. 6 ballot....