Letter to the Editor: Vote for Perkins for Monroe County Sheriff

By MARK JERDEE Rural Wilton resident and retired Monroe County Sheriff’s Department detective sergeant  I would like to endorse Scott Perkins for sheriff of Monroe County. During my 32 years of law enforcement, I have worked with many officers. It has been a pleasure...

Letter to the Editor: Scott Perkins is a law enforcement leader

By MATT HOSKINS Sparta resident and Ontario Police Chief This next Tuesday, Aug. 12, you will have a chance to select a new sheriff in Monroe County. The current sheriff is retiring, and Deputy Scott Perkins has stepped up and is ready to take over the leadership...

Letter to the editor: Proposed quarry is a tragedy waiting to happen

By FRED FLASHER | Wilton These are my thoughts about the proposed Mathy/Wilton Town Board plan for a quarry about .4 mile from Tunnel Trail Campground. I'm not a hand-wringer or sensationalist, but I sense a series of potential tragedies waiting to happen. I don't...

Monroe County DA office needs additional staff

By SANDRA McANANY Coon Rapids, Minn., resident and Monroe County property-tax payer On Nov. 4, Dan Cary, a remarkable district attorney, died unexpectedly. Monroe County was already the most understaffed district attorney's office in the state, with three prosecutors...

Guest View: Wisconsin needs to look at energy alternatives

Note: Save Our Unique Lands (SOUL), a group that opposes the proposed Badger-Coulee Line, contributed the following: An application was filed this week with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, and those challenging the need for new high-voltage transmission lines...

Letter to the Editor: Obama has a socialist agenda

By RON LEE | Tomah These are my opinions: You can take them or leave them. If President Obama would have told you when he was campaigning in 2008 and 2009 for the presidency of our nation that he wanted to fundamentally change America from a Christian-believing nation...
