By DEBBIE LAW | La Farge I heard something that once again makes me sick. A fellow's dog, an Australian shepherd, wandered away, and the owner went to a couple of neighbors to inquire if they had seen him. Both said yes, except one said he had shot him but did not...
Monroe County DA office needs additional staff
By SANDRA McANANY Coon Rapids, Minn., resident and Monroe County property-tax payer On Nov. 4, Dan Cary, a remarkable district attorney, died unexpectedly. Monroe County was already the most understaffed district attorney's office in the state, with three prosecutors...
Letter to the Editor: Monroe County budget should address radio-tower upgrades
By CAROL LAS Monroe County Board District 1 Supervisor The Monroe County Board will approve the 2014 budget this week. This budget will again increase the local property tax levy you pay. Much of that tax is for the new justice center; however, there are other...
Letter to the Editor: Rails to Trails Marathon couldn’t have happened without volunteers
By JANELLE STOIKES | Norwalk It's another year and another great race. The Rails to Trails Marathon and our town are just as well known for our outstanding volunteers as we are for our scenic marathon. It may seem silly to some to take time out of your already busy...
Editorial cartoon
Guest View: Wisconsin needs to look at energy alternatives
Note: Save Our Unique Lands (SOUL), a group that opposes the proposed Badger-Coulee Line, contributed the following: An application was filed this week with the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, and those challenging the need for new high-voltage transmission lines...
Letter to the Editor: Obama has a socialist agenda
By RON LEE | Tomah These are my opinions: You can take them or leave them. If President Obama would have told you when he was campaigning in 2008 and 2009 for the presidency of our nation that he wanted to fundamentally change America from a Christian-believing nation...
Editorial cartoon
Letter to the Editor: United States should get own house in order
By JEROME HUNDT | Cashton We went to school in Vietnam, in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Did we learn anything? Absolutely not. If you listen to the nightly news, it sounds like things are just as bad as before, if not worse. These people have four religions that have been...
Letter to the Editor: ATC statement on voltage deserves clarification
By TOM JOHNSON | Cashton Just a short note to clarify what ATC (American Transmission Company) uses to inform the general public about voltage. They say that their purposed new line will carry 345 kilo volts. There are times when they say the voltage is 345kv. They...