Monroe County police make town of Byron drug arrest

After detecting the odor of marijuana at a town of Byron residence, Monroe County police arrested 30-year-old Christopher J. Odden early Saturday morning. Police were at the residence to investigate a domestic-dispute call. In all, Monroe County Sheriff's Department...

Help session on ATC line set for Dec. 27 in Ontario

A help session on the proposed southern route of the proposed American Transmission Company line will be from 1–6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 27, at the Ontario Public Library. There will be an opportunity to view detailed maps from the ATC website, and assistance will...

Songs of Yule

Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton Elementary School students hosted their Christmas concert Dec. 17: Here, Sam Stoikes, Dominic Gagner and Sam Ellsworth (left to right) perform with their classmates. For more photos, click here.

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