Wilton agrees to retroactive raise for police chief

By SARAH PARKER | County Line Managing Editor Due to miscommunication, the Wilton Village Board was in a position Thursday to approve or deny a $1.50-per-hour raise that had taken effect for Norwalk-Wilton Police Chief Steve Johnson on Jan. 1. According to police...

Kendall OKs extra engineering costs for Spring Street project

By SARAH PARKER | County Line Managing Editor Engineering and design fees associated with Kendall's Spring Street reconstruction project are $17,000 overbudget, but the village likely will pay $6,000 to help meet the gap. At the board's meeting Monday, Andrew Zimmer...

Kendall woman sentenced to prison for selling heroin

By RENAE CALDWELL | Courtesy of the Sparta Herald A Kendall woman will spend the next 10 years in the Wisconsin prison system for dealing heroin. Amanda F. Ryan, 24, will spend 3 1/2 years in prison and 6 1/2 years on extended supervision for manufacturing/delivering...

Norwalk may get new restaurant/bar

By KAREN PARKER | County Line Editor A new restaurant and bar may be coming to Norwalk, according to information revealed at the Aug. 15 Norwalk Village Board meeting. Mike Donskey told the board he was interested in purchasing the former Lehner Market building from...

Wilton board members disapprove of president’s expenditure

By SARAH PARKER | County Line Reporter Wilton Village Board members registered criticism against Board President Ted Barnes at their meeting Monday, claiming that he had improperly OK'd a $4,470 project to extend a driveway near the village volleyball court. The three...

Ontario gets Stewardship Grant for Palen Park project

By KAREN PARKER | County Line Editor Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program Grant funds will help to defray the cost of renovating Palen Park in Ontario, the Ontario Village Board learned at its meeting Monday. The grant comes from the Aids for the Acquisition and...

A weekend for Wood Turtles

Above: Kristi Cleven (left) and Stacey Ebert ride atop the Norwalk Clovers 4-H float in the Wilton Wood Turtle Days parade on Sunday. Below: Kelly Switz tosses candy to parade-goers. For more photos of Wilton Wood Turtle Days, click here.

New principal joins Royall Schools staff

Scott Uppena will be the new principal at Royall Middle School/High School. The board of education approved Uppena’s 12-month, $84,085 contract at a special meeting Monday. He replaces Jeff Van Lannen, a Kimberly, Wis., resident who obtained a position in the...

Ontario’s Palen Park gets a new visitor center

By KAREN PARKER | County Line Editor A new visitor center now graces Palen Park due to the efforts of area residents who have been meeting regularly since September 2011. The group, unofficially dubbed the Thursday Night Group, has taken up the task of enhancing...

Wilton Wood Turtles medallion search underway

The 2012 Wilton Wood Turtle Days medallion has been hidden. The person who finds the medallion will win $100. Hidden in Wilton, the medallion is accessible day and night, and people of all ages may hunt. Event organizers urged hunters to do no property damage during...

N-O-W School Board: New principal will be hired

By KAREN PARKER | County Line Editor More than 20 Brookwood teachers and other staff were in agreement at a Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton Board of Education meeting Monday: Fill the elementary school position, they urged. The school board called the special meeting after...

Celebrating the Fourth

On a scorching Fourth of July, Kate Hyatt (left) and Emily Powell use a hose to cool off while watching the Ontario parade. Click here to see more July 4 photos.

Norwalk approves closing Center Street during tractor pull

By KAREN PARKER | County Line Editor The Norwalk Village Board dispatched a number of items in short order at its brief meeting Tuesday. The following were among the items: • The board approved closing about one-fourth block of Center Street from Aug. 10-12 for kids'...
