Alice and Bob Brandau are pictured with the Governor’s Award of Excellence that District Governor Pat Hart (standing) presented to them at the Kendall Lions Club’s October meeting. (Contributed photo)

By LYNETTE VLASAK | Kendall Lions Club

The Kendall Lions Club held its October meeting on Oct. 17 at the Hidden Inn. 

Club president Eric Zingler welcomed Lions District Governor Pat Hart to the meeting. Lion Hart talked briefly about things going on in the district and future projects and activities. He concluded his remarks by presenting the Governor’s Award of Excellence to Kendall Lion members Alice and Bob Brandau. Bob has been active in Lions for more than 50 years; and Alice, for more than 20 years.  

In other business, Lion Dave Heilman reported that he had ordered Christmas wreaths.  The wreaths are expected to be delivered sometime during Thanksgiving week. All Lions were encouraged to get involved in helping to sell the wreaths throughout the community.

Plans for a club Christmas party were discussed. The club decided to have this year’s party at The Chaparral on Tuesday, Dec. 12. This date will need to be confirmed with The Chaparral. More-specific plans will be made at our November meeting.