UPDATED: Coronavirus-related cancellations and closures

The following local events have been canceled due to concerns related to the coronavirus outbreak: • Margie's on Main, a Wilton salon, has closed. • All Monroe County senior meal sites are closed, but delivery options are available. • With the exception of the Justice...

Flooding 2018

Heavy overnight rains reaching 11 inches caused widespread flooding Aug. 28. Pictured here is Garden Street in Ontario. (As it … Read the rest

Horas de Biblioteca Publica de Ontario

Horas de biblioteca

This content is for County Line Monthly and County Line Yearly members only.
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Profiles of long-time Norwalk residents

Izzy Ziegler and Jake Menn will be
in Norwalk Tractor Pull parade, which starts at 12 p.m. Sunday.

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Letter to the editor: Take time to help children in detention centers

Concentration camps. I’m sure you’ve heard these words in the news lately. They’ve been around since medieval times and are … Read the rest

Letter to the editor: Racism, prejudice need to be addressed

I am writing today regarding racism. With the march to the border, new immigration policies, and a pointless wall on … Read the rest
