Concerned about Bug Tussel cell towers (for wireless internet)? Depending on authorities and zoning laws of town or village to … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Mainstream media is not systematically publishing ‘fake news’
A friend recently showed me a letter sent by the Republican National Committee. Headed “2019 Congressional District Census,” it is … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: America has a ‘government-industrial complex’
President Eisenhower famously warned America of an emerging “military-industrial complex.”
Letter to the editor: President has encouraged toxic atmosphere
FBI data released last year: Hate crimes are up 17 percent in 2017 over 2016, the third consecutive annual rise.… Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Trump’s pulling a bait and switch
By demanding money so that “his” border wall be built, President Trump is portraying himself as courageously delivering on a … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Welfare of citizens, common good are being ignored
Recently, I saw an American and a Wisconsin flag flying in front of a large building. Both flags were tattered.… Read the rest
Letter to the editor: NRA characterized by sense of entitlement
It looks like the National Rifle Association’s leadership and advocates are getting more limber in their responses to school massacres … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Revoke Citizens United decision
An April 10 article in the La Crosse Tribune reported that the Senate race for Tammy Baldwin’s seat may be … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Wisconsin has surpassed Illinois in corruption
Recently I came across an old Mike Royko column (he wrote for the Chicago Tribune until his death in 1997) … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Every right has pro-social, common-sense limits
A 4-year-old with a gun — good idea? Wisconsin’s Republican leaders think so. They just sucked up (again) to the … Read the rest