At Monday’s Norwalk Village Board meeting, Butch Johnson pointed out to the board, specifically president Levi Helgren, that it had … Read the rest
Norwalk looking for money for flood repairs
Norwalk Village Board members have been trying the past few months to find money to help repair more than $51,000 … Read the rest
Heifers in the Haymow: Four shops in one to have grand opening in rural Ontario
It’s never too early to start your Christmas shopping, and what better place to start than the grand opening of … Read the rest
Sun Haven in Ridgeville offers a homey approach to assisted living
It really doesn’t take much research to find that not only as a nation, but also right here in Wisconsin, … Read the rest
Norwalk has two public hearings in same night
The Village of Norwalk had two public hearings on Monday, the first of which asked for public input on the … Read the rest
At Norwalk Village Board meeting, anger erupts over backed-up sewage during 2018 flood
Tempers flared at Tuesday’s Norwalk Village Board meeting during an announcement for a public meeting next month on the mandated … Read the rest
Norwalk to consider rules on backyard chickens Sept. 9
A public-information meeting on the possibility of Norwalk residents keeping chickens is set for 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9, Norwalk … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Questions for the Norwalk Village Board
After reading the article, “Norwalk rejects a range of expenditures,” I was left with a few questions. Madonna Johnson, why … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: How can Norwalk develop a progressive, forward-thinking attitude?
In response to the article “Arguing in Norwalk …” in the Nov. 21 issue, I would like to voice a … Read the rest
Letter to the editor: Imagine if free lunch program in Norwalk was expanded?
It was great to see your write up on United Methodist Church in Norwalk and the excellent service it provides … Read the rest