Uppena gives update on Royall operational referendum

Superintendent Scott Uppena gave a post-referendum report Nov. 25 at the Royall School District’s board of education meeting, thanking board … Read the rest

Songs of the season

Members of the Brookwood High School choir, along with their teacher, Hunter Evenson, sang Christmas carols Friday at the Wilton … Read the rest

Classifieds for Nov. 28

COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email dheilman@centurytel.net. New and refurbished computers in stock.  EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144.WILTON FOOD PANTRY The...

Vernon County Sheriff’s Report for April 14–20

Sunday, April 14: A citizen reported someone banging on the door and ringing the doorbell at their residence in the town of Bergen. A deputy made sure the residence was secure. He searched the area and did not come across anyone. Sunday, April 14: A deputy was...

Work progresses on new Royall gym

Work has begun on the floor of the new Royall High School gymnasium, which is part of an addition including a new entrance linking the two school buildings and a new agricultural room. Now projected to cost $11,952,780, the addition will be 25,993 square feet. Kraemer...

Lora Dunwald

Lora Dunwald, 90, of Ontario, Wis., passed away Monday, April 22, 2024, at Vernon Memorial Hospital in Viroqua, Wis. 

Funeral … Read the rest
