Holiday happenings slated for December

The following holiday events will be offered in the local area this month.

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27 vendors will be at show in Ontario

Twenty-seven vendors will sell their wares Saturday, Dec. 14, at Ontario’s Old-Fashioned Christmas. 

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Retired N-O-W teacher publishes children’s book

“Charlotte’s Big Adventure,” a children’s book by Susan Case of rural Ontario, chronicles the early days of life from the … Read the rest

Kendall Mustang Riders donate to fire, ambulance services

Contributed by the Kendall Mustang Riders ATV/UTV Club — The Kendall Mustang Riders ATV/UTV Club has once again had some very good support from our local communities over the past years and once again at our annual fundraising bowling tournament we host each March. As...

Royall to host concerts

The Royall School District will host the following concerts:  • Royall High School Pops Concert: “A Night at the Movies” — Friday, May 10, at 7 p.m. Dessert and punch will be served at intermission. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for students. • Sixth- to...

Classifieds for May 1

COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email New and refurbished computers in stock.  EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144. NEW CONSTRUCTION: Room...
