RMS students in honors choir

Hillsboro hosted a middle school honors-choir event Nov. 15. The following Royall students were invited to attend. Front row (left to right): Ronan Brunner, Jaxon Velazquez, Brynleigh Trankle, Hannah Biermeier, Kolton Hauge and Kellen Brown. Second row: Lola Palmer,...

Ontario Public Library bake sale slated for Dec. 14

By Rachel Conner | Ontario Public Library director The holiday bake and craft sale to benefit the Ontario Public Library will be held at the Old-Fashioned Ontario Christmas celebration at the Ontario Community Center on Saturday, Dec. 14, beginning at 9 a.m. What a...

Kendall movie night set for Dec. 13

Contributed by Lynette Vlasak The Kendall Public Library’s December movie night will be Friday, Dec. 13, at St. John’s Church fellowship hall in Kendall.   Beginning at 6:30 p.m., the movie “Christmas with Holly” will be shown. The movie tells the story of a...

Vernon County Sheriff’s Report for May 5–11

Sunday, May 5: Kristin Nguyen of North Branch, Minn., was driving south on Highway 162 in the town of Coon when her rear passenger tire blew out, causing the vehicle to collide with the guardrail. Nguyen did not report any injuries. The vehicle was towed due to...

Classifieds for May 16

COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email dheilman@centurytel.net. New and refurbished computers in stock.  EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144. NEW CONSTRUCTION: Room...

Brookwood club hosts trap shoot

The Brookwood trap club recently hosted its trap shoot. The follow are members of the trap club. Front row (left to right): Wyatt Maurhoff, Tim DeWitt, Mason Rex, Jennafer Fennigkoh, Taylor Fennigkoh, Saleen Ford, Zaida Carpenter and Katherine McElhose. Back row:...

Brookwood track has week for record-setting

Above: The Brookwood girls 4x200-meter relay team of (left to right) Ruby Muehlenkamp, Miranda Arndt, Calista Zimmerman and Amelia Muellenberg broke the school record at the Blackhawk Invite in Viroqua on May 6.  Below: Brookwood’s Wyatt Maurhoff tied the school...

Mother’s Day chicken

Brady Hansen sells chicken for the Norwalk Knights baseball team on Mother’s Day in the Norwalk Village Park. 
