Letter to the editor: Thank you for remembering high school English teacher

By Lyda Lanier | rural Norwalk Thank you, Mr. Bob Breidenstein, for acknowledging the impact and the influence Mrs. Woods had on your life as your English teacher in high school. You remember those quotes from Thomas Moore and Shakespeare you had to memorize. You...

Your Right to Know: Long waits undercut records law

By Bill Lueders

The other day, in my role as an advocate for open government, I heard from a Wisconsin resident who … Read the rest

Kendall Public Library to host holiday events

Contributed by the Kendall Public Library The Kendall Public Library Cookie Walk will be from Saturday, Dec. 7, at St. John’s Church. Get some delicious treats without having to bake. Items are by donation and benefit the library movie nights. The Kendall Public...

Vernon County Sheriff’s Report for May 12–18

Sunday, May 12: A deputy conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle on W. Main Street in the town of Stark. The driver had a suspended driver’s license and expired temporary registration for the vehicle. The driver gave the deputy consent to search his vehicle, and the...
