COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email New and refurbished computers in stock. EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144. NEW CONSTRUCTION: Room...
Track stars make strides at conference, regionals
Brookwood’s Sophie Teynor claimed the track regional championship in the girls triple jump when teams competed at Cashton on May 20. Teynor jumped 31-6.50. When Royall hosted conference, Teynor placed fifth at 29-10.25. (Tasha Mueller photo) The top four individuals...
RMS musicians perform in spring concert
The sixth grade general music group opened the Royall Middle School spring concert May 13 with playing ukuleles to Johnny Cash’s top hit “Ring of Fire.” (Tasha Mueller photo) The sixth-graders have fun throwing pieces of homework in “I’ve Lost My Homework." (Tasha...
Norwalk Public Library summer reading program starts May 27
By Jesica Helgren | Norwalk Public Library director The Norwalk Library has a summer of adventure planned for all ages! Please join us Monday, May 27, at 4:30 p.m. for our summer kickoff party. Kids and adults can pick up their summer reading passports,...
Ontario Public Library will be closed Memorial Day
By Rachel Conner | Ontario Public Library director The Ontario Public Library will be closed Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day. The Ontario Public Library’s May Lego Club will meet Tuesday, May 28, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Bring a friend and come to...
Wilton Public Library to host activities
By Kelly Lupton | Wilton Public Library director The following activities are coming up at the Wilton Public Library: • 10 a.m. Friday, May 24: Current-events discussion group • Monday, May 27: Closed in observation of Memorial Day • 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 29:...
Senior menus for May 27–31
Kendall, Norwalk and Wilton meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall), 343-3158 (Norwalk) or 487-6130 (Wilton) by noon two days before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal. Monday, May 27: No meals served...
St. Luke’s in rural Elroy to host Memorial Day services
Contributed by St. Luke’s Auxiliary

Historic St. Luke’s church, located at 30080 Oxford Road in rural Elroy, will again salute … Read the rest
‘Apache Blues’ viewing schedule for Saturday, May 25
The Vietnam documentary “Apache Blues” will be shown in the Ontario Village Square on Saturday. The following is the schedule … Read the rest
Brandau awarded Quilt of Valor
David Brandau graduated from Royall High School in 1965. Two years later, he received a letter that said, “Greetings from … Read the rest