BHS class of ‘64 reunites

The Brookwood High School class of 1964 recently reunited. Front row (left to right): Carol (Radke) Martalock, Arnie Degenhardt, Daniel Teal, Patrick Neumann, Malend Raiten, Marian (Doll) Brieske, Donna (Vitcenda) Dreier, Joyce (Hansen) Zeigler, Ida (Eness) Von Ruden,...

Wilton Public Library to host events, including holiday party and potluck

By Kelly Lupton | Wilton Public Library director The following events are coming up at the Wilton Public Library:  • 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 13: Current-Events Discussion Group • 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 14: Second-Saturday Writer’s Club • 5 p.m....

Ontario Public Library craft, bake sale is  Saturday

By Rachel Conner | Ontario Public Library director Don’t miss the Holiday Bake & Craft Sale to benefit the Ontario Public Library THIS Saturday, Dec. 14, at the Old-Fashioned Ontario Christmas celebration at the Ontario Community Center. Vendor sales begin at 9...

Vernon County Sheriff’s Report for June 16–22

Sunday, June 16: A deputy conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle on Highway 56 in the town of Liberty because the vehicle crossed the centerline multiple times. The driver was subsequently arrested for operating while under the influence and taken to the Vernon County...

Senior menus for July 1–5

Kendall, Norwalk and Wilton meal sites Call 463-7622 (Kendall), 343-3158 (Norwalk) or 487-6130 (Wilton) by noon two days before to reserve a meal. Suggested donation is $4 per meal. One-percent milk is served with each meal.  Monday, July 1: Chicken and rice...

Gjefle: Good or godly

Pastor Michael. T. Gjefle  Faith Independent Baptist Church, Ontario What will we seek to be in this life, good or godly? The Lord Jesus Christ said to religious men who were in their own eyes good, “for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins” (John...

Classifieds for June 20

COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email New and refurbished computers in stock.  EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144. NEW CONSTRUCTION: Room...
