Area residents can receive complimentary foot care at a special foot care clinic from 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 20, at Tomah Health. The clinic will be conducted by Viterbo University nurse practitioner students, who will trim, cut and clip nails,...
Royall hires new principal
Kole Huth will serve as the new Royall Middle School/High School Principal, the board of education decided at its meeting … Read the rest
Crowd attends meeting on Ontario development projects
No one quite expected the crowd of about 25 people to show up at Monday evening’s Ontario’s regular monthly board … Read the rest
Kendall OK’s $2.1 million downtown project
Kendall approved a $2.1 million downtown (South Railroad Street) infrastructure project, which will occur in conjunction with the state’s reconstruction … Read the rest
Norwalk police chief resigns
After nine years with the village, Police Chief David Jones submitted his resignation to the Norwalk Village Board, which it … Read the rest
N-O-W School Board approves expenditures, applications for college-credit program
The N-O-W School Board approved student applications to Brookwood’s fall college credit program totaling a little over $27,000 in tuition … Read the rest
Vernon County Museum Notes: A look at Irish immigrants in Vernon County
By KRISTEN PARROTT Vernon County Museum curator St. Patrick’s Day is coming up soon, and that’s a good opportunity to take a look at some of the Irish immigrants who settled in Vernon County in the 1800s. I was surprised to learn recently that the village of Newry...
March 14, 2024, print issue
Classifieds for March 7
COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email New and refurbished computers in stock. EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144. NEW CONSTRUCTION: Room...
A vibrant press is essential to democracy
By KAREN PARKER | County Line Publisher Emerita Sadly, there was no obituary in the paper for the Vernon Focus. You likely did not know Vernon, but in his past life, you might have known him as Foxxy Shopper. In my salad days, the Foxxy Shopper was the 800-pound...