COMPUTER REPAIR: Contact Dave Heilman at 608-487-3271 or email New and refurbished computers in stock.
EXPERT REPAIR on most brands of appliances – 4 certified technicians to serve you. Mitby’s in Cashton, 654-5144.
NEW CONSTRUCTION: Room additions, remodeling, decks, windows and doors. Expert painting and finish work. We do it all. Doug Broxham Builders, 608-337-4334.
IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARGUERITE COX, MAY 29, 1915-AUGUST 2, 2002: Deep in our hearts, You will always stay, Loved and remembered, Every day. Love Always, Marlene, Jean & Families
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: Mel and Deb Schwarz want to invite friends and family to help them celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, August 4th, 12:00 to 4:00 at the Sparta American Legion.
NO FISH FRY IN AUGUST: The Wilton Legion is not having our Fishfry-Shrimp dinner in August due to other local community events. We will be back in September!! Thank you for your support.
The Wilton American Legion Hall is always available for wedding receptions, banquets, parties, anniversaries, business meetings, dances, etc. Call 608-764-0426 for appointment.
VILLAGE OF NORWALK MONTHLY BOARD MEETING NOTICE : Tuesday, August 6, 2024 Starting at 7:00 pm at 208 S Church St., Norwalk Village Hall Meeting Room. For virtual access please contact the Village Clerk at (608) 823-7760. Agenda will be posted. Kerry Vian, Village clerk. Please note the Date Change due to election
WILTON FOOD PANTRY: The Wilton Area Food Pantry is located in the Wilton Community Center at 400 East Street. The pantry is open every SECOND AND THIRD Tuesdays from 1-2 pm or by appointment by calling (608) 435-6922.