By TRAVIS ANDERSON | N-O-W District Administrator
Once again, the special board of education meeting on Thursday, Aug. 6, at 7 p.m. will remain virtual. Therefore, restrictions are still in place on public and social gatherings, and the district will still follow the six-foot distance requirement and face-covering mandate applied Aug. 1, 2020, by the State of Wisconsin.
This will mean the special meeting of the Norwalk-Ontario-Wilton Board of Education will be held; however, in regard to public safety, the meeting will be in the high school library and media center and will be restricted to the N-O-W reopening team of people physically attending the meeting, while public attendees can be present virtually. The people at the meeting will be the five board members, four administrators, school nurse, director of pupil services, director of transportation, director of maintenance, junior/senior high school guidance counselor, athletic director, business agent, and a representative from the County Line.
The meeting will be accessible via Zoom. To access the meeting, please email Mr. Travis Anderson attanderso@now.k12.wi.usby 1 p.m. Wednesday Aug. 5. He will respond to your email with a link to access the meeting and a password. Please contact Mr. Travis Anderson via email by 2 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5, if you need accommodations due to a disability.
I know this is not a perfect situation, but school district business must continue while we take precautions to emphasize public safety. Thank you for your patience and understanding.