Vernon Economic Development Association

Are you looking for new opportunities in agriculture? Did you know that industrial hemp seeds and industrial hemp-seed oils can be enjoyed on their own or in a wide range of nutritious foods and skin care products?

The United States imports just under $600 million industrial hemp-related products from Canada and China. Marijuana and industrial hemp are not the same. Industrial hemp is non-psychoactive with very low THC; its name is “cannabis sativa” plant. It is a sustainable resource that can be used for thousands of products.

At the Wednesday, Jan. 10, meeting of the Vernon County Inventors and Entrepreneurs Club, Ken Anderson, founder and president of Legacy Hemp in Prescott, Wis., will discuss the emerging markets in textiles, construction, personal care and food products. Entrepreneurs, regional food manufacturers and bulk wholesalers who are interested in new product development using Wisconsin’s new super-foods industrial hemp seeds and industrial hemp-seed oil are encouraged to attend.

Topics will include industrial-hemp use in Wisconsin from the 1930s to 1957, legislation recently signed by Gov. Scott Walker, an update on the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection rules development, and opportunities for product development in Wisconsin.

The meeting will be at the Food Enterprise Center, 1201 N. Main St., in Viroqua, on Wednesday, Jan. 10. Networking starts at 5:30 p.m.; the program begins at 6 p.m. The I&E club is organized jointly by the Vernon Economic Development Association and the Viroqua Chamber Main Street. For more information, contact Sue Noble at or 638-8332 or Nora Roughen-Schmidt at or 637-2575.

The meetings are free, and no reservations are required.  Be sure to arrive early to secure a seat. Whether you have an idea or just like to think business, join us for a dynamic evening of networking with lots of creative people. Everyone is welcome.