Royall School District superintendent
Wow — The Royall School District is off to a fast start. We are already into the week of homecoming. It has been a very smooth start, and I want to credit our staff members across the board for making this happen. Our administrators are organized, our teachers are prepared, and our support personnel are working hard to make it all come together.
Homecoming is already here, and I apologize for not getting you this information last week. On Thursday night, Cashton has graciously agreed to play our C/JV games at 4:30 p.m. and the varsity game at 6 p.m. so we can have our community night afterwards. The parade will be at 4 p.m. Friday, followed by the annual tailgate party sponsored by the Royall School Board. The tailgate party will be in the high school lobby from 5–6:15 p.m. Stop in for a hot dog and a cold drink. Business manager Jeff Lankey will be there to share with you details on the financial stability of the district, and buildings and grounds director Tim Marshall will be there to share with you on all of the fantastic improvements we have made to our facilities inside and out.
New this year: On Saturday the Royall Alumni Association will host a frisbee-golf outing. Registration will begin at 10 a.m., with “golf” beginning at 11 a.m. Play and registration will be at the football-field concession stand. Please consider getting a team together and joining us. All of the proceeds will go toward Royall scholarships, and it is guaranteed to be a good time. There will be food and refreshments on site.
On Saturday night, we have the homecoming dance in Kendall and the alumni social at the Elroy American Legion Hall. The dance runs from 8–11:30 p.m., with the grand march at 8:30 p.m. The alumni social begins at 6 p.m., with a program at 7 p.m. The program will be the induction of our class of 2017 Royall Hall of Recognition members: Sister Leclare Beres, William Udulutch, Steve Sartori, Patricia Brady and Sue Ann Thompson. Please stop down to celebrate our Royall heritage with our Royall family!
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The district office has reserved from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6, for a lunch with the superintendent. It is very simple: Join me for lunch to discuss whichever topic you choose, such as budgeting, scheduling, staffing, or even politics. We would appreciate it if you called to let us know you were coming so we could plan for the appropriate space. I am also willing to come to you with information; just let me know.
See you at school.