Prescription Drug Take-Back Day will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 29, in Vernon County.

The service is free and anonymous, with no questions asked.

Local law enforcement agencies and the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office are coordinating the Drug Take-Back Day in an effort to address public safety. Collection points will be set up throughout the county. Controlled, non-controlled and over-the-counter medications, ointments, patches, non-aerosol sprays, creams, vials and pet medications will be collected.

The collection sites are as follows: Viroqua Police Department, 702 E. Broadway; Westby Police Department, 200 Melby St.; La Farge Emergency Services Building, 201 S. Cherry St.; Hillsboro Police Department, 123 Mechanic St.; and Ontario Police Department, 313 Main St.

Medication can be disposed of by removing it from its container and disposing of it directly into a disposal box at the site. Law enforcement personnel will not count, inventory or log medications. Liquids will be accepted in original containers only.